Winter Heating Tips: How To Lower Your Utility Bills

by | Dec 12, 2017 | Expert Advice, Features, General, Winter | 0 comments

When the temperatures start plummeting outside, it’s only natural that you’ll want to turn up the heat inside your home. But is there a way to stay warm all winter long without paying an arm and a leg in heating costs?

The good news is that, yes, by following a few simple tips, you can stay warm and toasty during the winter without shelling out a fortune to the local utility company.

Dress Warm Indoors

Some people, inexplicably, think that dressing in a T-shirt while at home is somehow appropriate during the winter months. You may not like bundling up too much when you’re home, but a few smart choices can help you stay a lot warmer:

  • Wear multiple layers both up top as well as your legs.
  • Remember that jeans are just thin cotton and don’t retain heat very well.
  • Choose warm slippers that completely enclose your feet.
  • Find a knit toque or warm hat that you can feel comfortable wearing indoors.
  • Wear fingerless gloves. They’ll keep your hands warm while allowing you to do things like cook, read, and surf the internet on your laptop.

Winter Heating Tips: How To Lower Your Utility Bills Ceiling Fan ImageEfficient Heating

Don’t make your heating system work any harder than it has to.

  • Make sure your heating system has been given a clean bill of health by a professional company.
  • Close the damper on the fireplace to prevent warm air being sucked out of your home that will cause a draught.
  • Keep your blinds or curtains open during the daytime to help create a “greenhouse effect” inside your home. At nighttime, though, be sure to close them again in order to keep out the cold.
  • Clean and dust all radiators and heating vents.
  • Seal off any unused spaces or rooms like garages, closets, and attics. Be sure to close off the heat in those rooms as well.
  • Try not to use kitchen or bathroom exhaust fans as these pull heated air out of your home.
  • For ceiling fans, make sure they’re lifting air up rather than pushing air down. This will help better circulate heated air.
  • Turn down your thermostat or shut off the heat entirely during the nighttime and when nobody is home.
  • Prune back any shrubbery or trees that are blocking sunlight from entering your house.
  • Contact Energy Efficiency Alberta for a free check-up and energy loss assessment.
  • Improve your home’s energy efficiency and get up to $3,500 in rebates.
  • Use a “smart” thermostat that turns down the heat automatically when you’re not around.
  • Try an electric blanket if you’re feeling cold at night as it’s less expensive than heating the entire room.
  • Make sure all exterior vents (such as your clothes dryer) are well-sealed.
  • Cover your water heater with an insulating jacket.
  • Turn down your thermostat. Just one degree cooler can save you a lot of money in the long run.
  • Consider using a space heater for rooms that you use the most often.

Other Useful Tips

Choosing the right winter weather “gear” for your home can also make a big difference:

  • Insulated curtains help prevent heat escaping via the windows.
  • Put warm blankets on all of your sofas.
  • Use flannel sheets for your bed.
  • Wear flannel pyjamas when you sleep.
  • Use a hot water bottle in bed.
  • Put down rugs on cold floors.
  • Low-flow showerheads use half the hot water as a normal shower head.
  • Enjoy hot drinks like cocoa and tea and choose hot soups for meals in order to warm yourself up from the inside.
  • Avoid alcohol. Although drinking alcohol makes you feel warmer, it actually robs your body’s core of its vital heat.
  • Leave the oven door open after you cook something.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of water as it helps your body function more efficiently.

With a little effort and home maintenance, it’s possible to save substantially on your heating bills without sacrificing your comfort.

If you found this article useful, check out these life hacks you won’t want to live without.



Photo credits: fireplace, ceiling fan
Jeff S.
Author: Jeff S.

Proud father and husband. Loves music, Nine Inch Nails, UFC and inbound marketing.

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