7 Reasons Open Shelves Are a Great Design Choice

by | Sep 16, 2022 | Decor & Interior Design, General, Organization & Cleaning | 0 comments

Home decor and design are a very personal choice. The things you add to your home all depend on your tastes, style, likes and dislikes, etc. Open shelves are a design choice that a lot of people are turning to, for a variety of reasons.

While open shelving may not be for everyone, there are some definite benefits – practical and otherwise. Keep reading to find out if this style of shelving makes sense for your home and your design preferences.


While you might look at your cabinets as a great storage solution, how many times have you had to grab a step stool to reach the stuff at the back, on the top shelf? With open shelving, you can maximize the use of the space, and it looks put together because everyone can see it.

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Open shelves can also make your room feel more inviting. With everything out in plain sight, your guests don’t feel nosy looking for a mug to join you for a cup of tea.

Added to that is the fact that your room just feels more open! Less chance of a kitchen cabinet blocking a window so you get more natural light, and no bulky-looking cabinetry to clutter up clean lines. It’s a bonus all the way around.


When you have cabinets, it’s very easy to forget to wipe down the tops of them. Remember moving out and having to do that? Ew… But when you have open shelving, you’re using those dishes on a regular basis. Dirt and dust aren’t given a chance to settle. Things just don’t sit long enough to do so.

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When you opt for open shelving in your kitchen, there’s no hiding that unused specialty dishware anymore. You’ll soon see what you use every day and what never gets touched. This will help you to declutter and put away stuff you don’t need. Your shelving will look more organized as a result and if you find you need more space, you can get creative and add another shelf on the wall that fits with the pattern.


Picture this: you’ve just had all the family over for a big dinner. Since you cooked, others volunteer for dish duty – yay! But the next day, you open the cupboard and can’t find the bowls. The plates are where the glasses usually go. Sound familiar?

With open shelves, everyone can clearly see what goes where. This makes it easy for anyone – including the kids – to help with cleaning up and putting things in their place.

7 Ways Open Shelves Are a Great Design Choice - Show Off Dishes Image


Many people love the patterns of dishware they’ve picked out, that’s why they have it! Open shelving means you get to show it off. That beautiful serving bowl you got from your grandmother? Now everyone else can enjoy it too.

Colourful dishes that aren’t hiding behind a cabinet also add to the overall look of your kitchen, especially if you have a more neutral theme.


It’s no secret that kitchen renovations are not cheap. But here’s the thing. Open shelving is really friendly to the budget and it doesn’t take near as much time. So if you want to update the look in your home and have a strict budget, this is the perfect solution!

I love the open shelving look but I know it isn’t for everyone. So if it’s something you’ve been thinking about, try it out first. Take the doors off your cabinets and live with it for at least a month. Then make your decision. I hope you’ll love them as much as I do.

Originally published Jan 23, 2019; updated Sep 16, 2022

Sereena S.
Author: Sereena S.

Mom of two, wife to one, and a dog lover. Although cats can be okay too, but only sometimes...

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