Every move starts out with the best intentions. Maybe you got a new job or decided it was time to upgrade your home! But suddenly your to-do list is a mile long. Whether you have two weeks or two months to prepare for your move, we can help you cut back on your worries by tackling your move one day at a time with the following nine tips.
When you’re organized and have everything written down in front of you, it’s easier to visualize what needs to be done and when. Create a moving checklist of what needs to be packed, notes to refer to when it comes to packing each room, as well as the important tasks that need to be done before moving day.Â
You should also consider adding a general timeline for each task. Doing so will help you focus on the most important items first and make everything more manageable. You can work on your checklist week by week, checking it off along the way so there will be no surprises when you move.
Although it may be tempting to pack the kitchen last to avoid the hassle and expense of eating out every day prior to your big move, resist this temptation. Start by packing everything except the barebones kitchen essentials. Even moving pros get burnt out after a few days (or weeks) of packing boxes.Â
You may find yourself spending less time carefully wrapping fragile items in bubble paper and more time stuffing them haphazardly into boxes. Dishware and glasses are some of the most breakable household items, so wrap and pack them first, while you’re still fresh to avoid careless or unnecessary breaks during the move.

Most stores can give you extra boxes for free. This is a great way to save money, but the mismatched boxes can make packing a moving van difficult and clumsy. If you’re trying to save money, opt for recycled newspaper or butcher paper in lieu of bubble wrap, but don’t skimp on the boxes.Â
The frames of moving boxes are specifically designed for easy stacking and packing and can withhold the weight of each other with ease, so your boxes don’t accidentally collapse. You’ll more than make up any money spent on quality moving boxes by not having to replace crushed items after you unpack.
Before you begin packing up your belongings, mark a colour on your checklist for each room so you can easily tell what it is. When you pack a box, write on the box what’s inside and use the proper colour of packing tape to seal it shut.
This way, you and your movers (if you use them) can pack the truck according to colours and when unloading the boxes into your new house, you’ll know where to put them.
Moving is a great excuse to get rid of clutter. Start packing as early as possible so you have time to evaluate your new space and sort through your things to determine what you should keep and what you should plan to buy.
If you haven’t used an item or worn an article of clothing or an appliance in over six months, it’s probably safe to donate them. For an added boost of goodwill, give your gently used items to a local charity. It’s a great way to simplify your life and give back at the same time. If you’re donating furniture, you may be able to write it off as a tax expense as well, so keep your receipts.
Another option is to have a garage sale. It’s a great way to clean out your clutter and make a few bucks as well.
It can be easy to put off packing. It’s not fun but it has to be done. Trust us when we say it’s a lot easier if you break it up into manageable chunks of time.
Set a timer for a certain amount of time each day in the weeks leading up to your move and focus on one room at a time. An hour day will go a long way and you’ll enjoy a less stressful moving day when everything is ready to be loaded in the truck instead of pulling an all-nighter trying to pack everything up a few days before.
Here’s an important addition you should make to your moving checklist if you haven’t already. Make a list of all the things you need to do to complete your move, from changing your credit card address to setting up your new cable provider. It’s easy to put these tasks off until you’ve moved, but if you get them out of the way before you leave, you’ll feel less stressed during the move itself.Â
Commit to completing one or two tasks each day in the 2-3 weeks leading up to your move. By the time you arrive, all your administrative work will be complete and you’ll be able to focus more on decorating and unpacking, rather than waiting for your electricity to be hooked up.
If you plan on hiring a moving company, don’t commit to the first one that gives you a quote. Shop around, and don’t be afraid to tell them. Most moving quotes are based on the number of items being moved and the distance to your final destination. You could also suggest a counter offer based on other quotes you’ve received.
Once you’ve narrowed down your options, don’t forget to read reviews of your moving company online. Customer feedback is often the best way to put your mind at ease knowing that other people have had positive experiences with a company.
Lastly, make sure you have all the documentation – contracts with deposits and dates confirmed and that you keep it with you on moving day.
When you’re unpacking your moving van, take the time to read the labels on your boxes and put each box in the room it belongs in. Although this may make the unloading process a little longer, it will save you time while you’re wading through boxes, trying to make space to unpack, or searching for your corkscrew for that celebratory bottle of wine.
After you’ve moved all of your boxes and furniture inside your new home, it can be easy to put off moving much of anything other than your bed and clothes for a while. Remember the effort and organization you put into making this as easy of a move as possible and channel it. You’re almost done. The faster you unpack and put everything in its place, the faster you can settle in and relax.
Take time to enjoy at least one take-out dinner among your boxes to soak it all in as you finish your big move. Although moving can be a huge task to organize, pausing to savour the moment can remind you how worthwhile it is.
Remember, moving should be fun – not stressful – so do what you can to stay organized, get your friends and family involved, and cut back on unnecessary stress. And don’t forget to take before and after photos of your new home, of course!
Originally posted Aug 24, 2017; updated Feb 28, 2023