5 Things To Know About Building In The Winter

by | Feb 13, 2018 | Building a Home, General, Real Estate, Winter | 0 comments

Not everyone realizes that homes are built in the winter as well as in the warmer seasons. A concrete foundation can be poured in the cold weather with the use of heaters, and construction crews work throughout the winter on framing, siding and installation of windows and doors. However, painting the exterior and pouring concrete for the steps and driveway will wait for the warmer months. Even so, there’s a lot that can be accomplished, even in January. Below are some of the details about building a new home in the winter, along with some of the benefits.

More Time and Attention

Don’t be reluctant to visit model homes in the winter. This is a slower time of year for sales, and you’ll have the complete and undivided attention of the sales staff. It’s also an opportunity to take your time and weigh all the options available for your new home. And, since less building is going on, there are often special promotions available during the winter months like upgrades or discounts.

Shorter Build Times

Often, builders will begin spec homes in the fall that are ready to be finished over the winter. These are homes based on the most popular floor plans, and the exterior details are complete by the time winter sets in. Buyers have the opportunity to buy a home that’s finished more quickly than the typical year it takes for most new homes, and they sometimes get to pick out the interior details.

5 Things To Know About Building In The Winter Box ImageFaster Move-in Opportunities

Sometimes new home buyers move in early, before the exterior painting and rough grading are completed. If you’re willing to wait for the grading and landscaping of your lot, you can move in and have these steps completed when the cold weather breaks. The builder will install temporary steps to the front door while waiting for the right weather to create permanent concrete ones. Typically, the final grade must be completed within eighteen months from the time the building permit is issued, so you’ll have time to accomplish that step.

The Same Quality and Durability

One question that crops up among prospective home buyers is whether a winter-built home will be constructed as soundly as one that’s built in the spring. It should be just as solid and dependable since only the work that’s suitable for cold-weather building is completed in the winter. Contractors and journeymen have gained valuable experience through the many winter builds that have been completed over the years, and new building materials are more weather-resistant than ever before.

Is a Winter New Home Build Right for You?

A decision about whether to build in the winter depends on your particular circumstances. If you’re set on a spring or summer move-in, a partially finished spec home would be a good choice for your family. On the other hand, starting a home in the winter will give you a chance to take possession of your new home by the next Christmas. But whether the ground-breaking is begun in January or June, your home will be just as solid and well-constructed.


Photo credits: workerbox,
Jeff S.
Author: Jeff S.

Proud father and husband. Loves music, Nine Inch Nails, UFC and inbound marketing.

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