Spring Gardening & Landscaping Tips for Your Home

by | Apr 4, 2018 | General, Landscaping, Spring | 0 comments

Now that the chill of the winter season has eased away and the brilliance of spring is upon us, you’re ready to head outdoors and start working on your lawn and garden. Your grass may take on a greener, healthier look on its own due to the spring rains, more sunshine and warmer temperatures. However, your yard and landscaping will require more love and attention in order to keep your property looking its best throughout the rest of the spring and summer season. By following a few important lawn, garden and general landscaping tips now, you can enjoy the improved look you desire.

Complete Spring Cleaning for Your Yard

Winter months can be absolutely brutal on your yard. Mother Nature can wreak on a yard over a just one single winter season. Dead leaves that have fallen during the fall season may be crushed, trampled and decomposing on your grass. This should be removed with a rake to ensure that your grass can grow to be thick, healthy and green. Smaller and larger tree twigs, branches and limbs may have also fallen onto your yard. You can use the rake to remove these as well. Any other debris in your yard and flower gardens should also be removed. Essentially, this will give you a blank canvas to work with.

Spring Gardening Landscaping Tips Your Home Soil ImageNourish Your Soil and Plants

If you visit your local landscaping store or plant nursery, you’ll likely find a nearly endless supply of fertilizer to use on your lawn and gardens. These stores typically will stock the right options that are needed for your local soil type as well as the season, but you can inquire with store staff about any differences between the types of fertilizers you see to find the right one for your needs. Generally, an organic option is a better choice than a chemical or synthetic version. This is typically easier for the plants to absorb and use, and is also more environmentally friendly. Avoid over-fertilizing your soil, as this can have a detrimental effect on your plants, grass, garden flowers and vegetables. Be sure to follow any recommendations on the packaging for re-application of the fertilizer.

Prepare Your Lawn & Garden Tools and Equipment

If you did not do so at the end of summer last year, you’ll want to service your lawn & garden tools and equipment now. You may not have winterized your lawn mower, for example. You will need to check the oil and add gas to it now to prepare it for use. You should also take time to sharpen the blade on your mower. You can hire a professional to do this for you, or you can do it yourself if you follow proper instructions for your make and model. Replace tools and equipment that have rusted, and clean those that were not cleaned before. Keep in mind that fungus and other elements that were on these items last year may continue to live on your tools and equipment. Cleaning them is imperative to having a healthy lawn.

Spring Gardening Landscaping Tips Your Home Lawn Mower ImageChoose the Right Mower Blade Height

You may not realize it, but your mower blades should be adjusted based on the type of grass you have. You can research the type of grass in your area as well as the recommended mowing blade height for that type of grass in your region or climate. When the mower blades are an appropriate height, you’ll avoid over-watering your lawn and keep watering expenses to a minimum. Cutting at the right height will also minimize the chore of mowing and promote a lush, healthy lawn. Few things can improve curb appeal during the growing season better than a lush, green lawn.

Pay Attention to Your Flower Beds

While your grass will be a focal point of your yard, your flower beds are also important to curb appeal. If your flower beds look like most after a long, hard winter, the mulch may be faded or even washed away. Some of the ground soil may be visible underneath the mulch. Your vegetation may be dead and decaying, and you may have numerous weeds cropping up in the beds now that the warm weather has returned. Take time to pull the weeds, and update the vegetation in your flower beds with new plants. Then, spread a fresh layer of mulch over your flower beds to complete the effort.

Keeping your yard looking great is an ongoing chore that requires special effort over the warm growing season. Now that Spring has finally arrived, you can follow these tips to get your yard looking great right from the start.


Photo credits: flower bed, lawn mower
Casey C.
Author: Casey C.

I enjoy long walks on the beach...just kidding. Diehard Oilers Fan (#SorryNotSorry). Old Man Millennial.

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