Easy Primary Bedroom Organization Tips

by | Apr 21, 2023 | Bedroom Ideas, General, Organization & Cleaning, Tips & Tricks | 0 comments

Is your primary bedroom organization suffering and in need of a heavy dose of help? If so, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got plenty of easy ways to organize the room so you can better enjoy the space! Consider these several simple organization tips you can put into practice today.

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Create a Sorting System

Start the process by finding four large cardboard boxes. Use a coloured pencil and index cards to make a label for each box. Here are your four labels:

  • Keep
  • Donate
  • Redistribute
  • Throw Out

These labels are self-explanatory, so head into the bedroom and let’s start sorting!

Organize One Area At a Time

If your primary bedroom has a lot of clutter, the task of organization can look next to impossible. That’s why it’s best to tackle one area of your primary bedroom at a time so you won’t exhaust yourself or become overwhelmed with the work.

Easy Primary Bedroom Organization Tips - Under Bed Storage Unit Image

Reorganize The Space Under Your Bed

First, pull out all of the items from under your bed, sort them and put them in the proper boxes. Keep this in mind: you’re likely going to throw away or donate many of the items you find.


Because they’ve been out of sight and out of mind, which means you probably don’t need them! The things you do use or want to keep, like extra bedding, can be put back in a vacuum-sealed bag after you’re done sorting. 

If you have built-in storage under your bed for all of your clothes, this is your chance to do the same thing and go through everything. Put all of your favourite clothes and everyday essentials back and make a pile of the items you just don’t wear or don’t fit anymore and would be better off donating instead.

Now, if you don’t already have it, add in some proper under-the-bed storage to help with your primary bedroom organization. You have a ton of options depending on your needs. This basic fabric storage bag comes in a set of two and has a clear window on top so you can see what’s inside without having to open it every time. For those shoe lovers out there, try this storage organizer designed especially for shoes!

Tidy Up Your Dressers And Tables

The tops of dressers and tables in the primary bedroom are notorious for having a little bit of everything on them. Books, scarves, notes, hairpins, perfumes, envelopes, and jewelry are just a few examples. Once you’ve removed and sorted the items, you’ll be surprised at how much better your primary bedroom will look.

Once you’ve sorted all of the clothing and other items in the drawers of your dressers and tables, vacuum the empty drawers. Neatly fold or roll the sweaters, t-shirts, and other items you’re going to keep before putting them back. You can also add in baskets or dividers to help keep it even neater. You’ll be surprised at what a good feeling it is to open a drawer and see your t-shirts, sweaters and socks in perfect order!

Clean Out Your Closet

Take all of the clothes, shoes, belts and other items out of the closet. It’s a wise idea to sort the items as you pull them out so you don’t look around to see a mountain of clothing on your bed.

Once you’re finished sorting, dust and vacuum inside your closet and start putting back the items you want to keep. Here are some storage ideas:

  • Use a ladder shelf to organize your shoes so you can see them.
  • Hang all of your warm weather clothing items together and do the same with your clothing for the cold weather.
  • Hang clothing items together by colour or style.
  • Move the clothing for the current season closer to the front of your closet where you can reach it easily.

Easy Primary Bedroom Organization Tips - Ensuite Image

Don’t Forget About The Ensuite

If your primary bedroom has an ensuite, it’s important to organize it as well. It’s a room you’re using often and you probably store a lot of things in the bathroom. Tackle the closet first and sort through all the things you’ve accumulated to figure out what you really need.

Next, take out everything from the drawers and consider some of these bathroom organization ideas and these organizer products for your drawers, cabinets, and shower space. That way you can find everything you need with ease and it all has a designated place instead of laying on the counter.

Take Care of Your Sorted Items

After putting away the items you want to keep, take the donation box and put it into your vehicle. This way you’ll have a very obvious reminder to help you remember to drop it off at a local charity.

Then, make sure to properly dispose of the things you’ve put into the “throw away” box. Finally, walk around your home with the “redistribute” box and put the items back in the areas where you feel they make the most sense.

One of the best reasons to get your primary bedroom organization in order is that you’ll be able to find what you want when you want it. After all, it should be a relaxing space where you can sleep and unwind from a long day and you can’t do that if you’re thinking about how cluttered it is.

Now that everything is clean and looks how you want it to be, remember to put things back where they belong right away so you can maintain the organized look of your primary bedroom. 

If you liked this article and want to tidy up the other rooms in your home,  take a look at our ideas for organizing your kitchen, family room, and bathroom!

Originally published Oct 2, 2017; updated Apr 21, 2023

Sereena S.
Author: Sereena S.

Mom of two, wife to one, and a dog lover. Although cats can be okay too, but only sometimes...

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