Refreshing Summer Foods to Cool Off With

by | May 26, 2023 | Foodie, General, Summer | 0 comments

Summer is here, along with long days and lots of fun outdoors, but beating the heat is essential to making the most of the all too brief season. One of the best ways to stay cool on a hot day is by eating the right kinds of food. Whether it’s fresh fruit to keep you hydrated or surprising ingredients that help you stay cool naturally, we’ve rounded up all the best summer foods to cool off with.


There’s a good reason why the expression “cool as a cucumber” exists. Not only are cucumbers a great source of water, but they add a cool burst of flavour when you’re in the mood for a snack on a hot day.

Try cucumber slices on their own or dip them in hummus for a more filling treat. Another great idea is to slice your cucumber and add it to your water bottle to help keep you hydrated.


Watermelon comes into its own right when summer is at its hottest. Watermelons are, of course, great for keeping you hydrated, but the zestful flavour adds a powerful punch that you won’t find in plain old water.

Try juicing some up and then freezing for delicious homemade popsicles.


Bananas are an unusual fruit as they have an astringent quality, meaning they cause tissues to shrink. This helps your body stay hydrated, allowing you to feel cooler. For an icy cold treat, slice bananas and place them on waxed paper before popping them in the freezer.


Many berries are classified as superfoods, incredibly high in important phytochemicals that your body needs. Whether it’s raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, or black currants, these tiny fruits make for a perfect snack on a hot summer day.

Try mixing frozen berries with bananas for an ultra delicious smoothie. Frozen berries are another great addition to your water bottle too. They’ll help keep it cool and add a light touch of berry flavour.


Another summer favourite is peaches. Not only are they juicy and packed with flavour during the summer, but they also contain lots of both Vitamin A and C, essential ingredients for keeping your skin healthy. Oh, and at just 50 calories per peach, you can’t ask for a better low-calorie dessert.

Refreshing summer foods - peaches and avocado imageAvocado

You may be surprised to see avocados on this summer foods list, but this wonder fruit (yes, it’s technically a fruit!) has lots of monounsaturated fatty acids, the good kind of fat that keeps you healthy. Avocados are also easily digested, meaning they’ll keep your digestive system from revving up and causing you to feel hot.

Leafy Greens

Yes, yes, everyone knows that leafy greens like kale, collard greens, and salad greens are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. However, many people don’t know that they’re very easy to digest, giving your body a way to get energized without straining your metabolism on a hot day.

Lemons, Limes, and Oranges

Three delicious citrus fruits, and three great ways to stay hydrated. All three can be squeezed for their juice or turned into a pitcher of cold drinks. For an extra delicious twist, try one part lemon/lime with two parts orange juice and then add in a handful of berries for a super refreshing drink with a fruity kick.


Whether you’re talking about honeydew or cantaloupe, melons are more than 95% water, making them a delicious option when you’re trying to stay hydrated. Add in some essential trace elements and lots of vitamins, and melons are a gold medal winner in the summertime.


The word mint is practically a synonym for “cool,” and there’s good reason for that. The natural oils in mint leave a cool and refreshing feeling in your mouth. Try adding mint to your favourite cold drinks like lemonade or make it into a “tea” by pouring hot water on a handful of mint leaves, a classic beverage from Northern Africa where it’s hot all year long.

When the days are long and the temperatures are high, it’s essential to maintain proper hydration. Choose light and refreshing summer foods like fruits and vegetables to keep you going on a hot day.

Originally published Jul 25, 2017; updated May 26, 2023

Sereena S.
Author: Sereena S.

Mom of two, wife to one, and a dog lover. Although cats can be okay too, but only sometimes...

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